3 bungkus SUPER BUBUR
* 3 sack of SUPER BUBUR
50 gram jagung manis pipil rebus
*50 gr Sweeet Corn, boiled
1 tangkai seledri, didiris halus untuk taburan
* 1 Stalk celery, finely sliced for topping
600 ml air
* 600 ml Water
100 gram jagung manis sisir
* 100 gr sweet corn, peel it
2 siung bawang putih goreng, memarkan
* 2 cloves garlics, slices
1. Rebus air, jagung manis sisir, dan bawang putih sampai mendidih. Ukur 750 ml airnya.
- (boiled sweet corn and white garlic, measure and left the water until 750 ml
2. Panas- panas taung kedalam SUPER BUBUR dan bubunya, adk rata sampai kental.
-poured into Super Bubur and mix well with seasoning, stir till made tick pasta
3. Tambahkan jagung manis pipil, kecap , dan sambal , aduk rata
-ad the sweet corn and mix with soy sauce and chili saus
4. Sajikan deang seledri dan pelengkapnya.
- serve with celery and the rest of seasoning
3 bungkus SUPER BUBUR
* 3 sack of SUPER BUBUR
50 gram jagung manis pipil rebus
*50 gr Sweeet Corn, boiled
1 tangkai seledri, didiris halus untuk taburan
* 1 Stalk celery, finely sliced for topping
600 ml air
* 600 ml Water
100 gram jagung manis sisir
* 100 gr sweet corn, peel it
2 siung bawang putih goreng, memarkan
* 2 cloves garlics, slices
1. Rebus air, jagung manis sisir, dan bawang putih sampai mendidih. Ukur 750 ml airnya.
- (boiled sweet corn and white garlic, measure and left the water until 750 ml
2. Panas- panas taung kedalam SUPER BUBUR dan bubunya, adk rata sampai kental.
-poured into Super Bubur and mix well with seasoning, stir till made tick pasta
3. Tambahkan jagung manis pipil, kecap , dan sambal , aduk rata
-ad the sweet corn and mix with soy sauce and chili saus
4. Sajikan deang seledri dan pelengkapnya.
- serve with celery and the rest of seasoning
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